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[TCP/IP stack基于GPRS的嵌入式Internet研究与实现

Description: 关于如何移植使用ucos 和lwip 来实现无线发送模块控制的学位论文-on how to transplant and lwip CENTER use wireless to transmit modules to control the degree thesis
Platform: | Size: 3732637 | Author: 于先生 | Hits:

[Other resourceucOS-II-GPRS

Description: ucOS-II应用源码:通过对串口编程来控制GPRS扩展板,实现发送固定内容的短信,接打语音电话等通讯模块的基本功能。利用开发平台的键盘和液晶屏实现人机交互。-ucOS-II application source : Serial Programming right to control the GPRS expansion boards, achieve this fixed content of the messages, then fight voice telephone communications module's basic functions. Use development platforms keyboard and LCD screen realization of human-computer interaction.
Platform: | Size: 2203564 | Author: 张磊 | Hits:

[Other resourceGprs+uCOS-II

Description: magic arm2200 Ucos2+Gprs发短信和打电话程序
Platform: | Size: 81494 | Author: | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack基于GPRS的嵌入式Internet研究与实现

Description: 关于如何移植使用ucos 和lwip 来实现无线发送模块控制的学位论文-on how to transplant and lwip CENTER use wireless to transmit modules to control the degree thesis
Platform: | Size: 3732480 | Author: 于先生 | Hits:


Description: 包括UCOS和LWIP移植的很多资料,对学习LWIP和UCOS有一定的帮助-including UCOS Viedo transplant and a lot of information, to learn and UCOS Viedo will help
Platform: | Size: 5697536 | Author: 李田龙 | Hits:


Description: ucos下,GPRS应用程序,含GPRS的初始化,以及拨号。-CENTER, GPRS applications, including GPRS initialization, and dial-up.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: stephenye | Hits:


Description: 压缩包里包含有JX44B0教学实验系统用户手册及该系统的全套试验例程,用c编写,在ADT环境下编译后下载到 实验板即可执行,是学习arm开发的有用例程 源文件说明 Leddemo LED显示实验 Led LED 显示实验 Serial 串口实验 Interrupt 外部中断实验 Dma DMA实验 Pwm PWM实验 Rtc 实时时钟实验 Watchdog 看门狗实验 Ad AD 采样实验 Stepper 步进电机驱动实验实验 Key 键盘驱动实验 Dispchar 汉字字符显示实验 Dispgraph 图形显示实验 Iic IIC 总线实验 Tftp TFTP 文件传输实验 Usb USB 数据传输实验 Iis 立体声录放音实验 Touch 触摸屏驱动实验 cf CF卡实验 ide IDE硬盘接口驱动实验 parallel 并行打印机接口通讯实验 Ucos-ii UCOS-II实验:Eg1, Eg2, Eg3, Eg4 gprs GPRS相关实验(主叫实验,被叫实验,收短信实验和发短信实验) gps GPS实验-compressed bundle includes JX44B0 experimental teaching system and the user manual system is the set of test routines. c prepared with the ADT environment compiled plate downloaded to experiment can be executed, Learning is the development arm of useful routines source document shows Leddemo experimental Led LED Display LED Display Serial Experimental Serial Experimental Interrupt external interrupt experimental Dma DMA experimental Pwm PW M Experiment Rtc real time clock experiments Watchdog experimental Ad watchdog AD sampling experiments Stepper Stepper motor drive Experimental Experimental Experimental Key Keyboard Driver Dispchar Chinese characters experimental Dispg raph graphics experimental Iic IIC bus experiment Tftp TFTP file transfer experiments Usb USB Experimental data transmi
Platform: | Size: 4011008 | Author: kl.ud | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 2203648 | Author: 张磊 | Hits:

[source in ebookADS_GPRS_UCOS2

Description: ARM的ADS开发工具下,GPRS+UCOS-II开发源码-ARM ADS development tools, GPRS UCOS-II development FOSS
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 马婷 | Hits:


Description: 基于ucos-ii的GPS源码,能够使用GPS驱动中间件来获取GPS地理信息。-based CENTER-ii GPS source, Drivers can use GPS GPS middleware to access geographic information.
Platform: | Size: 251904 | Author: 王大军 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopUCOSIIGPRS

Description: uCOS-II在gprs上的应用。 应用的芯片型号是lpc2220.-uCOS-II in gprs application. Application of chip models is lpc2220.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: zhaiyingxin | Hits:


Description: magic arm2200 Ucos2+Gprs发短信和打电话程序-magic arm2200 Ucos2+ Gprs send text messages and phone calls procedure
Platform: | Size: 3897344 | Author: | Hits:


Description: magic arm2200 Ucos2+Gprs发短信和打电话程序-magic arm2200 Ucos2+ Gprs send text messages and phone calls procedure
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 周立功ARM9 2410试验平台的uCOS-II基础实验代码,包括uCOS-II移植实验、蜂鸣器实验、串行通信实验、图形液晶控制实验和Modbus RTU 主从通讯实验、FTP、GPRS、GPS、IrDA等试验,处理器为s3c2410.代码简单易懂,注解详细,推荐下载。-Week Ligong ARM9 2410 test platform uCOS-II based on the experimental code, including uCOS-II transplantation experiments, buzzer experiments, serial communication experiment, graphic LCD control experiments and Modbus RTU master and slave communication experiment, FTP, GPRS, GPS, IrDA such as testing, processor s3c2410. easy-to-read code, comments in detail, recommended download.
Platform: | Size: 8343552 | Author: 刘贵华 | Hits:


Description: 在SC32410平台上移植了UCOS操作系统,通过AT命令控制GPRS模块实现短信发送和数据传输功能。-In the SC32410 transplant UCOS operating system platform, through the AT commands to control GPRS module for sending SMS and data transmission capability.
Platform: | Size: 113664 | Author: 林秋 | Hits:


Description: 基于NXP LPC2387+UCOS-II的GPS/GPRS物流协议车载终端源程序。绝对原创,欢迎下载。-very nice!!!
Platform: | Size: 3011584 | Author: johnzhu | Hits:


Description: arm7平台 NXP的LPC2200 操作系统ucos 任务:通过UART与外部单片机进行通信获取信息,然后通过gprs模块传输至网络平台; 亮点:gprs模块操作;ucos任务调度-NXP' s LPC2200 platform arm7 ucos operating system tasks: an external microcontroller via UART to communicate with the access to information, and then transmitted to the module through gprs network platform Highlights: gprs module operation ucos task scheduling
Platform: | Size: 683008 | Author: 李其林 | Hits:


Description: UCOS应用例子,包含有串口实验,GPRS,GPS,I2CA总线驱动实验,蜂鸣器控制实验-UCOS APPLICATION EXAMPLE
Platform: | Size: 5749760 | Author: 刘士立 | Hits:


Description: 基于UCOS的GPRS的源码工程,是开发无线远程嵌入式控制系统很好的参考资料。-The GPRS-based UCOS source projects, is to develop embedded wireless remote control system a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 3906560 | Author: yianliu | Hits:


Description: 基于44b0使用ucos2.8操作系统的全部源码,成功移植了lwip1.1.1,ppp和gprs modem的驱动,可通过GPRSmodem实现网络通信-the source code used to transmove
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: 苏醒 | Hits:
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